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Spot On dámske čižmy Dámske vysoké čižmy nad kolená sa stali hitom! V semišovom prevedení alebo na podpätku dodajú každému outfitu šťavu. 4 položiek Spot On podľa Vášho výberu len na

a/somebody's blind spot; a/the bright spot; bang/spot on; be in a spot of bother; be in a tight spot; be in a tough spot; be in the right spot at the right time; be riveted to the ground; be riveted to the spot; be riveted to the spot/ground; be spot on; beauty spot; blind spot; bright spot; change (one's) stripes; change one's stripes/spots spot-on - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. spot-on adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." informal (precise, exactly right) přesný příd přídavné jméno : Označuje vlastnosti nebo vztahy podstatných jmen (např. Spot-on definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Mar 08, 2021 · Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed. If too much of a spot-on treatment is applied, it will cause a sticky appearance of the skin at the treatment spot.

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9,673 views9.6K views. 3. jan. 2017 VŠETKO ALEBO NIČ - V kinách od 12.1.2017 - spot B. 69,011 views69K views. • Jan 3, 2017. 5. 0.

put sb on the spot definition: 1. If you put someone on the spot, you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at…. Learn more.

Spot-on alebo spot on

Neodporúča sa ich pohyb na slnku. spot meaning: 1.

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Spot-on definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Mar 08, 2021 · Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed.

Spot-on alebo spot on

How to use spot-on in a sentence. Define spot-on. spot-on synonyms, spot-on pronunciation, spot-on translation, English dictionary definition of spot-on. adj. Precisely right; exact: His imitation of his boss was spot-on.

Spot-on alebo spot on

exactly right: 2. exactly right: . Learn more. spot definition: 1. a small, usually round area of colour that is differently coloured or lighter or darker than the…. Learn more.

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British informal. 2007 Clarissa Dickson Wright Spilling the Beans She advised her solicitors to give the money to my mother for me, as she believed my father would fail to pass it on to me. She was spot on.

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